« Fish Identification
Channel Catfish

Scientific name:

Ctalurus Punctatus


Dorsal half of head and body pale blue to pale olive with silvery overcast; ventral surface whitish; sides with spots of varying size and number. Old males become dark in color and lose their spots (these are commonly referred to as "blue catfish" and mistaken by some observers for Ictalurus furcatus, the bona fide blue catfish). Fins lightly pigmented. Maxillary bar- bels darkly pigmented; snout and chin barbels lightly pigmented, except bases of chin barbels generally unpigmented.


In the lower two-thirds of the state it is widely distributed in the larger rivers, their lake systems, and the lower courses of their tributaries. In the Wisconsin River, it occurs regularly as far up- stream as the Castle Rock Dam (Adams and Juneau counties), but rarely beyond this point.


Channel catfish first spawn at about 4-5 years old. They spawn in June and July, when water temperatures reach 72-75° F. They dig out a large hole under a bank or log or dig down through silt and mud until they reach gravel. They spawn in the nest with the female laying eggs in bunches of 30 to 50. A single female can lay 3,000-30,000 eggs depending on her size. When the female is done, she leaves the nest. The male fans the eggs with his fins. After they hatch, he protects the young until they can feed on their own.
