Scientific name:
Esox Masquinongy X Esox Lucius
Silvery background with dark, variable markings, often as oblique stripes, spots, or blotches, or even with scarcely any markings. Belly white with small spots. Fins green to red-brown with dark blotches. Young (less than 150 ram) with broad scalloped bars of olive green along sides and gold mid-dorsal stripe on back; belly white.
Mississippi river drainages.
Tiger musky spawning season is in April or May. A female can lay 10,000-225,000 eggs, depending on her size and health. A female can lay 10,000-225,000 eggs, depending on her size and health. Spawning normally goes on for about a week. The eggs hatch in 8-14 days. The eggs hatch in 8-14 days.